Camper Tips for Campfire Cooking
Campfire cooking is a whole lot of fun, assuming you know what you're doing. While it definitely is an integral part of camping, it can easily turn into a disaster if you make a mistake. For the most part, those who go out there in the woods to camp will simply bring with them ready to eat food or even fast food, but where's the fun in it? What you should know is that campfire cooking, obviously done over an open fire, is easy and more satisfying than just bringing in canned food and some chocolates.
First of all, you must build the right fire. To do this, you have to find an area that's completely safe. If there's no fire pit, find a location that is free of any grass, dirt, or other similar debris in a 10-foot perimeter within your camp site. Avoid those tree roots and low-hanging branches as well since they likewise can catch fire very easily.
Next, use the right cooking gear at www.easycampfirerecipes.com. Obviously, you can't bring with you plastic because it'll melt in open fire. Instead, every time you go camping, you have to equip yourself with metal utensils. You also don't want to go for pans and pans that come with rubber-coated handles because they also will melt with fire. There are so many cookware and utensils you can buy that are specifically designed for the outdoors, so this really shouldn't be a big problem.
Once you secure the right cooking equipment, it's time to decide which cooking method you prefer. The good news is there are more than a couple of options, depending primarily on your choice of food. Of course, you wouldn't want to miss out on hot dogs and marshmallows, and with them, you need to be doing the traditional skewer cooking on open fire. If you wish to include barbecue in your camping menu, a campfire-inspired metal grill will do the trick. You even can go for a Dutch oven, either cast iron or aluminum if you want to be more flexible in coming up with several cooking varieties. If you want to learn more about Campfire Cooking, you can visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/benefits-of-camping_us_559bfa7de4b0759e2b51000e.
Finally, you likewise must know and be aware of the food you shouldn't be preparing or cooking while camping. For instance, steak, bacon, and anything that produces too much dripping fat are a big no since they may cause flare-ups. The same holds true for any food that requires oil or frying because of an obvious reason, which in these cases are the oil. Don't forget to clean everything up and put out the fire as you go!